It was our pleasure to provide audio & stage equipment for the Allfin Investment Summit that took place in the Hyatt Regency, in Sydney.
To start off, 2x JBL PRX712 12″ Two-Way Powered Speakers were used as they are very compact and versatile. They have been designed to deliver maximum performance for their weight and size as both stage monitors and a front of house main PA. As an audio console a Soundcraft Si Impact 32CH Digital Mixer was used as it offers top notch sound quality.

As speech microphones, 4x Sennheiser XSW2-835 Wireless Microphone Systems were enquired. The Sennheiser XSW2-835 is the most requested microphone for hire at Highlight Entertainment due to its superb sound quality, easy setup, outstanding reliability and the capability to go wireless for almost every occasion.

Lastly, KKM AD Stages, Stairs & Stage Skirts were utilized to create a functional stage for the event. 6x KKM AD Stage 4×4 Ft (1.22 x 1.22M) w/ 300-500mm Adjustable Legs were used, 1x KKM AD Stairs for easy access to the stage and 3x KKM Black Velvet Stage Skirtings 8Ft (2.44W*1.0H) to cover the under-structure and create a finished look.